Providing direction for our church
We believe our leaders have been called by God to provide spiritual guidance, teaching and direction for our Church community. In September 2024, we were pleased to welcome Antoine, our first full time Pastor at Charminster, to join our leadership team alongside our elders.​
Meet The Team

Antoine Thenin
Antoine and his wife Nicky have 2 young boys (with a baby girl on the way). You will find Antoine leading or preaching most Sundays, with Nicky helping in the kids groups. He is passionate to share Jesus to people who have a different faith, or none at all.

Cameron Patterson
Cam and his wife Vicki have 2 young girls to also keep them busy! With a tech background, Cam can often be found helping with our audio & visual setup on a Sunday.

Jason Dixon
Jason is married to his wife Sarah, and together they have 2 wonderful boys. You'll often find Jason leading worship on a Sunday morning, or perhaps supporting Sarah with her work in the kids groups.

Tony Steer
Tony and his wife Cheralyn have a passion for pastoral care, and can often be found serving in this way in Charminster. Cheralyn is renown as a fantastic cook too - look out for her culinary delights!

Registered Charity No: 1146133